
I am not such an optimist as to think that a single TV is going to take or not to take such an important step as marriage because of what I have written here. Let us say that this is a beautiful waste of time and that my dubious consolation will be my silent "I told you so" to those who a few years from now will write lines such as the following sentence, written by a TV friend from Canada who a few years ago did take the fatal step despite my warnings. And I quote: "an overwhelming burden as it has turn- ed out." She tells me that the wife has had a ner- vous breakdown (we don't know the causes, although I assume TVism has not exactly helped her nerves) and after six weeks she is still hospitalized. And then our TV friend says: '...and each day - since the opportunity presents itself I have been able to dress. It is the first time I have been able to dress consistently in five years since I first met you (thank God).... the relief! My God idea of the relief! I cannot imagine why anyone would want to dress any other way." So writes a married TV. The exclamation marks are not mine. They appear in the letter.




you have no

Isn't this a

Notice the adverb "consistently". hidden dream of most TV's? It does not mean once a week, or once a month. Indeed it does not. I do not know precisely what my friend means, but I dare say that under her present circumstances she is dress- ing at least once a day. And I am willing to bet that she dresses the moment she gets home from work and that the girl-within takes charge of the home until next morning, an hour before our friend is due at the office. Notice also the intensity of her feelings, punctuated by the expression: "My God!" Yes, that is the relief, the incredible, the stup- endous relief most TV's experience after a long per- iod of abstinence. I say "most TV's" because I am well aware that there are some whose "girl-within" is a bit anemic, lacks vitality and spends most of her life in a semi-lethargic condition. After she's been out of the closet for a while she's perfectly